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New intelligent warehouse solutions

Time:2017-08-26 Views:235
In the impression of many people, the construction of the warehouse is completed by the process of concrete pouring and bricks. In the past, people often chose traditional warehouse construction to build the warehouse. With the constantly emerging of the new warehouse building concept, especially the influence of new technology for warehouse built in deepening, represented by customized, modular prefabricated warehouse peremptory has become a new choice of more and more enterprises. 
Compared with the traditional way of building the warehouse, this customized assembly warehouse can realize the assembly building and make the construction of the warehouse more flexible and changeable. In traditional warehouse construction, the construction of the warehouse is usually permanent, and once the warehouse is completed, it can only be used in a fixed position. If there is a business adjustment and site relocation, the original warehouse must be removed. 
In general, this after concrete pouring built warehouse after dismantling basically won‘t have the possibility of secondary use, enterprise if want to build a warehouse, have to buy building materials, new construction of the warehouse. This traditional warehouse construction method not only causes a lot of waste of resources, but also aggravates the burden of enterprises, so that many enterprises need to invest a lot of cost in building the warehouse. 
The emergence of an assembly warehouse solves this problem. It through the way of building of the traditional sense of the warehouse, from past into a one-time warehouse build can disassemble, can be repeated use, can intelligent assembling way of warehouse building. 
This approach not only allows the building to be more flexible, but more importantly, can reduce a large amount of expenses for the enterprise. According to the calculation, the construction cost of this new type of warehouse is about 52% to 67% compared with the construction cost of traditional steel warehouse. 
In addition, the traditional way of warehouse building is fixed, single, built storage facilities can not realize the flexible deployment, has caused many warehouse built after can‘t really meet the actual demand of the enterprise. According to the actual demand for customized way for warehouse customized service can not only reduce the waste warehouse building materials, and can effectively solve the season of the enterprise, the contradiction between demand for storage space. 
Tent by building for jas on different links to realize modularized production warehouse, in providing enterprises with prefabricated warehouse solution, no longer need to concrete pouring and other routine action, only in accordance with enterprise‘s demand for personalized production component, arrived at the construction site for assembly, it will greatly save time cost of building installation in the warehouse. Compared with the traditional way of building a warehouse, the construction of an assembly warehouse is greatly shortened. From the project planning, design, evaluation, audit to production manufacturing and project delivery, the whole project‘s cost of time is greatly reduced, and it is 60% faster than the replacement of the same type. 
In addition, customization is a feature of the assembly warehouse. Standardize and install the spare parts of the warehouse. The upper house provides personalized customized services for users of different needs. This flexible warehouse construction method can not only save time, improve efficiency, but also be able to meet the personalized needs of different users. 
When the warehouse will be rebuilt shift position or just need to disassemble the warehouse building components, carry these parts to the warehouse location, and then carried out in accordance with the personalized needs of enterprises joining together. This will undoubtedly realize the combination of static and temporary storage. 
Certainly can realize the intelligent warehouse build timing, quantitative, or period of large-scale production, can let enterprise warehouse building more personalized, more efficient than traditional warehouse construction way. Behind efficiency represents is the enterprise management cost, capacity, cost and time cost of multiple lower, to improve the enterprise‘s cash flow, improve the health of the cash flow Angle has very positive meaning. 
Jas awning room on this custom warehouse solutions to redefine our perception of warehouse, through flow, circulation way of warehouse building, make enterprise operation more flexible, regulatory value advantage also can appear more prominent 
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